Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rain Check

Fall arrived in Boise, decked out in a cute vintage rainstorm and a hand-knit grey sky. Scarf weather! Military coat every day weather! Thinking about life weather?

I recently (read: finally) all but landed a job at the local Anthropologie store, which is pretty flippin' cool for the sake of a steady income and discounts on adorable housewares, but much less cool considering my good friend applied first and is far more qualified. Unless they were specifically trying to fill a Black Male Position, in which case she still may be more qualified. Regardless, a job is a job is a job. I also happened to apply at a local restaurant as well, so I may be dual-wielding employment again for the first time in a while. Tri-wielding actually, considering the show I'm working on and the workshops and afterschool classes I'll be teaching at the charter school and local university. And here I thought I didn't have much on my plate...

Artistically I've been wrestling with the "what I want to produce v.s. my current abilities to do so" thing. In actuality, I think it's just laziness. I haven't taken the time to sit down and mash something out, nor the time to do the necessary research to form a starting point. What's an outline? You mean you don't just sit down in front of a blank page, clap your hands, and produce magic? HOW PREPOSTEROUS! I ended up doing what I usually do in those situations and flipping through my backlog of creative writing. It's helpful and unhelpful.

Maybe it's the season, but I've been really moved by my friends in relationships right now. Over the past few days I've spent a lot of time with fantastic couples, and it's really made me long for a partner in crime again. I know the feeling will pass, but the prospect of waking up with someone in my arms just seems wonderful right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm still extremely picky--so it's not like I'll just stroll downtown and and pursue the first girl with a funky hat and an affinity for Firefly, but I also can't deny the vicarious warmth and calm I get from being in a room with a couple in love. Maybe that's weird. Who knows? I stopped worrying about 'weird' a long time ago.

Either way, I'm taking care of me.

Be well, and let me leave you with this--

Don't make yourself wrong. I won't either.
