I'll skip the paragraph of rampant excessive apologies and get right into an update. Otherwise we'd be here all day. So, the touring show is done! Naturally its always strange putting something like that to rest. With the infinitely transient nature of acting, all we have to show for a successful production is a bunch of memories and experiences. It's strange. A successful architect can point to a structure, and beautiful building with a gorgeously landscaped park and say "Yes, that is MINE. I have done THAT." With acting it's more like "Hey remember that one day when you made that ONE choice? Yeah...that was cool." and you all sit around for a while quietly sipping a drink and reminiscing. I love the way good theater teaches you about the value of experiences over materials. The sweet military coat you scrounged up at a second hand store vs the sweet military coat you bought at a high-fashion store somewhere. Both are cool. One has a bit of a story.
I have an extra special lady friend now, too. An ESLF if you will. She's a tattooed goofball/perfumer/massage therapist/yoga instructor/witch with a penchant for rocking incredible hair and an appreciation for the finer things in life. I'll put up some pictures once she signs the photo release consent form. You know how paperwork can get backed up.
Also if you're not a supergeek, you may have missed this incredible quote from one Jerry Holkins, co-creator of Penny Arcade.