Sunday, August 30, 2009


You know what? I'm going to make up my own list of stuff. PREPARE FOR INANITY!!!

1. The Last Book You Read
Endgame by Samuel Beckett

2. The Last Meal You Had
Homemade jambalaya and a Fat Tire.

3. The Weirdest Thing That Happened To You Tonight
Walked into the crossfire of an argument at 7-11. One of the arguees bought me the beer to prove a point. HA-CHOW!

4. Your Current Favorite Curse Word
Anything ending in 'Torpedo'

5. Your Current Favorite YouTube Video Involving Pain.

6. Your Current Plausible Spouse
Regina Spektor

7. Your Current More Plausible Spouse
Felicia Day

8. The Last Song You Listened To
Falling For You

9. The Last Song You Listened To Which Was All Messed Up Because Your Right Earbud Is On Hiatus
Got To Get You Into My Life

10. The Last Videogame You Played
Rhythm Heaven

11. The Last Nickname You Called Someone
Poops LaRoops

12. The Last Thing You Stared At For a Significant Amount of Time

13. The Last Movie You Quoted, and the Quote
Hot Fuzz, "Shit Just Got Real." (re: 7-11 Argument I walked Into. And yes, I said it at the time.)

Hey man...this is the best list. The best. It's the coolest list ever. YOU try to beat this list. Matter of fact, try to EQUAL this list. Matter of fact, FILL THIS SHIT OUT. No, you won't have bad luck if you don't. NO your true love won't fall for you if you do.

However...I do see a shiny 12 cents coming your way.

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