Friday, September 18, 2009


I had dinner with half of the cast tonight at a place called Stokes in gorgeously aged Downtown Omaha. It's a little southwestern place that whips up a surprisingly good fish taco for middle America. Their margaritas come in buckets, and I was tempted to snag a second and KEEP THE PARTY GOING as it were. Afterward, we all went for (FREE!) Ice Cream at a place who's name unfortunately escapes me. It's one of those places that has a stable of flavors, but only twelve at a given time--and they rotate daily. SUPER taste. I recommend the Lemon Cake Mix...y' time you're in Omaha.

Rehearsals are picking up as I'm gradually getting more comfortable. We got started on the Banquo/Murderers fight yesterday (almost wrote 'two days ago' man, I'm losing my concept of time..) and its pretty quick n' dirty. Poor guy, gettin' all surprised like that. It's chuggin' along, though. "RELAX and DO WHAT'S IN FRONT OF YOU." is the name of the game.

Oh, by the by, Macbeth Curse Body Count: 1

The super-rad Sean Carlson rolled his ankle a little bit ago. Now I know we're a professional company, and we're not going to believe goofy shit (if you pay attenion, you'll note that Max, like me, is an ass man.) like that...but hey...I've been feeling faint lately...and I did hallucinate and see a toothpick before me. I mean, maybe it's working its way up.

Anyway--its time for sleep. I've got to rest up for the FIRST RUN IN FRONT OF AN AUDIENCE of costumers TOMORROW.

Also, I saw this tonight.


  1. YES!!! a picture of the kum & go!!! that makes me so very happy.

    i did NOT watch that entire sit 'n sleep ad. i couldn't. i DID, however, watch the entire goofy clip. WOW. it's surprising the things that we notice as adults in children's entertainment.

    i'm sorry to tell you this, but lemon cake mix ice cream cannot exist. it is too good to be true. you are mistaken, my friend. and as for tomorrow with an audience (be they costumers or otherwise), i recommend breaking everyone else's legs. and have fun.

  2. So, now I need to obtain a copy of A Goofy Movie. AND An Extremely Goofy Movie.

    Thanks, Deeks. Thanks a lot.
