In addition to being a White Stripes song I like (There are roughly four of them) I realize that its a philosophy that I'm quick to adhere to when I'm caught not paying attention. I'm 'bout to get all esoteric upside yo' face--so bear with me. When practicing awareness, and not like...OH HEY, THERE'S A QUESADILLA, but real--true--"Hey wow, the universe is an awesome place if your eyes are open" awareness, I have a tendency to try and figure out how I can give to people more and more. I drop all the ego crap and just start to perceive people in their own natural light. I love it when I can get into this space. It's a space of direct honesty--where you don't have to preface your sentences with anything. Where you're totally comfortable with whoever you're speaking to because you've established that you accept them.
The Dalai Lama talks about the fact that, because we all share innate humanness, we all have a way to relate to one another. It's other things that get in the way. We wear a different colored shirt than the other guy, so they are somehow different--and different is always on some form of sliding scale. Different is synonymous with 'better' or 'worse'. Oftentimes its both. For instance, I have a huge love/hate relationship with the valley. My problem is constantly associating the valley with wealthy, egotistical, utterly vapid human beings. Now right there--outright I've given it a judgment; unfairly too. Now yes, there are folks who zip around in beemers who couldn't tell you what "To be or not to be" is from, or who don't give a flying cream-filled fuck what the 'Large Hadron Collider' is...but that's no reason to declare myself better than them. However, because these folks have TEH GREENBAXX I fall into the trap of assuming they must be doing SOMETHING right. They've got a whole mess of this THING that, because of my career, I'll probably never actually see that much of. So they win. They lose the Culture Round, but damn it all do they win in the Finances Round.
So eff this noise. I guess that's my conclusion. I'd really prefer to live in a place where people walk around. In New York, you can't help but bump into people every day. Here, if you can help it, you don't bump into anybody all day. I might just start crashing through life like a pinball with Tommy at the machine, because then people (myself included) will HAVE to wake up. Looking through windshields and TVs and iPhones and Computers is starting to make the world look two dimensional. If I drop everything and go live with a Shamanistic tribe, please don't express any surprise.
"Dakotah? Oh yeah, nah he went to Africa to wear bright colors and roll around in the dirt. He probably could've just done that here--but whatever. Pass the Earth Balance."
FWAH! The world = Awesome. Getting smug about it = MASSIVE HUMAN FOLLY.
Right? Right.
Told ya' it was esoteric.
Love love love,
P.S. If anyone can tell me where the best Hot Wings in L.A. can be found--I will take you under my wing and teach you the ways of crimefighting.
Winning is different for everyone. Money is, yes, of course, always a conquest, because it's easier to do things when you have money, but is victory in life for you (or me, for that matter) the collection of money? No way. So a comparison of yourself to them like the one you made is, in your words, human folly.
ReplyDeleteI have a better idea than having someone simply tell you where the best hot wings are; I say you and I go on a quest, and visit a different restaurant that serves hot wings, any time we can, and we find the Best Hot Wings in LA ourselves.