1. I did not know how to properly shop for jeans until a few weeks ago.
2. Earthbound AND
make me cry.
3. I watch an episode of
nearly every night to get to sleep.
4. My two hottest cartoon characters, Princess Jasmine and
5. In middle school, I was involved in a focus group for
--I earned 20 bucks an hour to bike to the Sony building and play with the gadgets they made.
6. I can BARELY distinguish tastes in wine.
7. I HATE whining, being moved out of the way, and dodgy internet connections.
8. I LOVE closet dorks, hilarious shirts, and bands that have a sense of humor.
9. I am terrified at coming up with 91 more random facts about me.
10. I have drawn more comics than I can even remember--but I barely have any of them anymore.
11. Oh hey, one of those comics was called 'Zeto' about a clone who was sent in the past to assassinate so and so except he failed so six other clones were sent to finish the job but oh wait they run into Zeto and attack him and like there's something called the 'Zero Dimension' that only Zeto can access hey also he has a sociopath twin brother with wings who he fights at the very end and..and...
12. Until very recently, I never wrote scripts for my comics, as you can guess.
13. I am a closet hippie and have a soft spot in my heart for hippies. I grew up in Santa Cruz, and I love tarot and incense. Don't tell anybody.
14. Using
RPGMaker, I've made about 15 or so games. A few favorites include: one that starred me and my friends in an alternate universe because I opened a portal there by accident, one that starred a side character from one of my zillion comics, one about a townsperson who killed the main hero of the game--thusly fucking everything up forever, and one called "Don't get the life".
15. I go through phases in which I'll listen to THE
SAME SONG OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. And no, not in the healthy way--in the "Really, fucker? Do I, as your roomate, need to continue to be saturated with this madness?" The answer is: yes. Yes sir, you do. Pick up your socks.
16. If I like you, I will call you 'Pee-pee' or 'Poo-poo' or some word that begins with a 'B'. Buster, Bustercakes, Buster-Bonanza, Biggle-Butts, etc.
17. I am going to marry Regina Spektor, Annie Clark, or Princess Zelda. Preferably some combination of the three.
18. My sense of direction is spotty at best--so driving in San Francisco is just comedic.
19. I can't turn off my word-punning or rhyming thing. I tried, but I can't do it. If I begin giggling for no reason, it's because some word thing was hilarious to me (AND NO ONE ELSE.)
20. I grew up on RnB and Motown.
21. I am an enormous Michael Jackson fan. Its hereditary. My mom used to make Jackson 5 collages with her sisters, in addition--there was an old 'Michael Jackson Moonwalker Chocolate Bar' in our freezer for about a decade.
22. Oh hey, I also might marry
Fiona Dourif. Who?
Brad Dourif's daughter. How do I know her? I..er...waited on her at CPK...LOOK WE'RE GETTING MARRIED SHUT UP.
23. I'm going to start writing more letters--and calling people more often. I wish I did already, but I'm going to start now.
24. I had a miniature freakout when I turned 25. I was thinking "Fuck, man...do I have to settle down? Do I have to hurry up and get married to someone?" I got over that. Quickly.
25. With certain people I meet-I feel INSTANTLY comfortable around. I don't know what determines that, but it just happens. Usually with girls.
26. When exercising, I am entirely mind-over-matter. I thought I lost the ability to do 100 push-ups until I pretended that I was going to do 300 and 100 wasn't so bad at all.
27. Back in elementary school--my best friend Johnny would never eat the brownie's he bought. He'd start to nibble on them and then get bored and give them to me. I liked how this worked out.
28. Oh hey, speaking of Johnny--for years, we would play Power Rangers or X-Men together. He was always the leader, and I always didn't care who I played.
29. In fifth grade--I still wasn't done playing pretend. My friends and I declared the old wooden junge gym '
The Epoch' and would act out scenarios using characters from videogames and cartoons.
30. Don't tell me I could 'never' do something. I will eventually prove you wrong. Unless it's "You could NEVER be a rapist."
31. I still believe in magic. Not the 'wingardium leviosa' kind--but the kind of inexplicable magic that makes us create, think, and fall in love. I believe that gut feelings are to be taken EXTREMELY SERIOUSLY.
32. Current weaknesses include: Punk girls,
nice butts, irreverent comics, blazers, 2D fighting games, amazing books, and fire damage.
33. My future mode of transportation will be 'jetpack'.
34. My current mode of transportation is 'whatever works'.
35. I think too much. Like...waaaay too much.
36. I LOVE swimming. Holy crap, you don't even know.
37. Once I get over my initial fears/doubts about a new artistic pursuit, I generally excel and enjoy it greatly.
38. I like giving money to panhandlers, but I prefer giving them food.
39. I think bodily functions are hilarious, and the sooner we can become comfortable around them, the sooner we can talk about really interesting stuff...even though...poop is pretty interesting.
40. Every third thought I have is sexual. (COOKIES, BUKOWSKI,
41. I have a twisted sense of humor that I got from my mom's side. It's saved me in a lot of difficult emotional situations.
42. Sometimes I poop with such ferocity that my back cracks.
43. I'm terrified of heights and massive structures...something about incredible mass is incredibly imposing. (THAT'S WHAT SHE..)
44. I'm a sensitive guy. And by that, I mean my teeth, eyes, and skin are hyper-sensitive. I don't know why. I think I'm Spider Man.
45. When people ask me about my favorite actors--I have a lot of difficulty answering them. I'm horrible with celebrity names and faces. I
do like
John Malkovich, though.
46. I LOVE MANUAL LABOR. As a generally artistic person, it feels great to get my hands dirty and get some stank goin'. As much as I'd bitch about it, I'd secretly enjoy every single minute of it.
47. I'll still play DDR if I come across a machine, though I'm nowhere near as good as I used to be.
48. For a long time I was terrified that people would discover I was a geek...that was until I realized you could be a geek and still get laid.
49. I think I was a better singer back in high school.
51. I really enjoy clubbing. Its totally absurd most of the time, and that's why I love it.
52. I have a pretty strong sense of smell...that's how I become attracted to people too.
53. I took Tae Kwon Do briefly during pretend college. It was an utterly frustrating experience. I'd love to take it again now that I have nothing to prove.
54. If I get a dog, I'm going to name it Interceptor, Gunwoofers, Boney, or
55. Before I die, I have to play Hamlet.
56. Oh hey--I'd also love to put on Woyzeck again.
57. THEATRE COMBO--I also want to do a production of One For The Road.
58. I love it when people bust out of their shell and allow themselves to be goofy, whimsical, or vulnerable. It is a quality of art that brings these emotions to the surface.
59. The current contents of my backpack: A Royal Shakespeare Company Journal, four mechanical pencils, one ballpoint pen, two highlighters, a four gig thumb drive, a wacom tablet, a leather weekly organizer, a broken razr phone (snapped it in half for fun when I got my new one), two granola bar wrappers, a clown nose, a sunglasses case, an uneaten package of breadsticks from a salad bar, and one fritos wrapper. The current contents of the desk I'm writing at: one HP mini netbook, one hardbound sketchbook/journal, an empty plastic cup, two napkins, an issue of the Idaho Statesman, one ballpoint pen, and one pair of aviator glasses. The current contents of my person: one wallet (containing, most interestingly, about 12 different hotel keys), one Sony Ericsson cellular phone, and a set of keys (one for my bike, one for my house, one for my host family's house, one for the Idaho Shakespeare Company minivan, one for the now defunct green Ford explorer my parents gave me, and a Woodstocks Bottle Opener.)
60. I hate wearing shorts. I don't know why.
61. I read kinda' slowly.
62. I used to be obsessed with 'Whatchamacalit' bars.
63. I don't want to have children.
64. I'm not even sure if I want to get married.
65. Children are ADORABLE. Partly because they're so freaking transparent. "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!" They'll shout. Loves.
This is what I'm listening to right now.
67. A lot of the current fashion trends look
really really stupid to me. Maybe this is what growing up is like.
68. I want to learn to surf--because HOW AWESOME.
69. I'm going to commit to go to more concerts because HOW AWESOME.
70. I want to learn parkour as well because HOW AWESOME.
71. I can't nap midday. If I do, I wake up like some confused time-traveler. "H..how long have I been gone?" "I dunno, couple hours maybe?" "DEAR GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE!?"
72. I am not patriotic. I don't think our country stands for anything anymore. We fall into the trap of being a nation of people who are out for themselves--and we teach one-another that this is right. (I allow myself this one cynical outlook.)
73. I feel most comfortable around artists.
74. My favorite nicktoon is a three way tie between Hey Arnold, Rugrats, and Doug.
75. If I could go back in time and give myself some sagely advice, it'd be "Calm the fuck down, you're gonna be fine."
76. In Stevie Wonder's "Do I Do", I've always felt weird about the opening line "When I
see you on the street..." Did-did he write that? Does...does he
77. Okay, now I'm listening to
78. I hate the smell of gasonline. I've found that people are completely on one side or the other with that scent.
79. I can't
craft to save my life. Making things for people is an uphill battle, but I always wipe my brow and enjoy what I've done once I'm finished. A lot like pooping.
80. I never ate paste.
81. Sarcastic discontent will NEVER take the place of
aloof confidence.
82. Religious views: CHOCOLATE.
83. I once killed a man over penne paste.
84. BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA--okay yeah, I'm running out of things. I thought I was going to be cool enough to throw that one in there and continue with real facts. No can do.
85. I don't like wearing bright colors. Or rather...I didn't USED to. I do now.
86. I only recently discovered that going on stage relaxed...almost meditative...produces the best results for me. It allows me to react completely naturally in the moment and USE the text.
87. I consider myself an actor, writer and artist...not a musician
88. I'm going back to Japan sometime in the next few years. I've made this decision just now.
89. Right yeah, I'll start re-learning Japanese too.
90. OH MAN TEN MORE--Hey I'm starting to watch Dr.Who.
91. After guitar, I'd like to learn drums--so I can multitrack on my songs. I'll be like a one man White Stripes....except better than the White Stripes. Everyone's better than the White Stripes.
92. I'm usually clean shaven, but I think I may join the beard side.
93. I get along much better with my family when I don't live with them...but I think it's like that for everyone.
94. I literally just heard someone say "What's new with YOU?" TOMMY WISEAU MOMENT.
95. Start paying attention to the number 417 and you'll see it EVERYWHERE.
96. I used to be terrified of the beach, but not anymore.
97. Yeah, not getting married--the more I think about that prospect, the better I feel about it.
98. Every since I shaved my head, I've begun collecting hats.
99. I oscillate between being terrified of death--and being completely okay with it.
100. I am a raging full-fledged hedonist that loves extremes as much as he loves the quiet pleasures of the outdoors and the sun.
OH SNAP. There go some facts! EAT EM UP, YUM YUM.
Love love love
Dakotah '100 Blogspot Posts' Brown