Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pre-Hump Day

It's been wacko, lately. Wacko good though.

We're halfway through week eight of this ten-week shenanigan, and I already know I'm going to miss the holy bajeesus out of my lovely Othellites. Well...okay no, they're not MINE per se--but anyway-

We found ourselves at Arts West school (for the Performing and Visual Arts) for today's second performance. Our steampunkish set barely squeezed into the performance space with suck-in-your-gut room to spare for the audience. The fights were certainly in-your-face. A knife is pretty dangerous-looking thing up on stage...but when we're whirling it around and you have to scoot your feet out of the way or else lose an aglet, it's seriously FUCKING BADASS. And terrifying...I assume...I mean, the knife is actually the safest part of our show if you're the one swinging it around or dodging it. (OH MY GOD I USE SO MANY HYPHENS.)
After the performance, some faculty members rounded the cast up to inform us they had an open spot for a drama teacher...that they'd actually found their for-sure candidate, but after watching our show--they wanted to re-open the offer and extend it to us. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for David Ketchum (our Cassio/Brabantio) who already sent in an application--which I'm certain is fabulous/covered in glitter.

1. A Bicycle
2. Some Shirts
3. To Squeeze a Butt (Ongoing)
4. A PS3
5. 2 PS3s!!???

Also I WROTE A SONG!!!!11!11!one!11juan

I'll upload it as soon as I make a recording of it that I actually like. That'll...mmm...that'll probably be a while. I never thought I'd be able to WRITE a song. It's one of the many artistic paths I've never felt super certain or confident in, but now--SHABAM!! And WHAT? I'm working on ANOTHER ONE!? FUCK YOU, DAKOTAH BROWN! FUCK YOU!

Love love love glove,


  1. Do keep in mind I have a PS3, and when we find a place and move in, it'll be OUR PS3.

    Also, new parts installed without any significant trouble; I was a little worried when I didn't even get a BIOS beep after I got everything (including the new RAM) plugged in, but after I reset the CMOS, everything's up and running. Three cores and four gigs of ram, baby! Fallout 3 at a near-constant 60 frames, Just Cause 2 at a playable framerate, it's some sweet stuff, hombre.

  2. DAAAYUM DAAAYUM DAAAYUM. When I get back, we're holing up in a room and nerding out for three days straight. (Or three days gay.)
