Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Am Constantly Blown Away

Holy fucking shit--we can do ANYTHING.

I saw Balance Dance Company perform today--and it fucked me up.

I should elaborate.

Dance is an art form that I profess to have only a cursory knowledge watching it feels like an absolutely pure experience. These freaking girls--no--these artists could express themselves in a way I couldn't even begin to crack into right now. It was amazing, and at the same time, it's something I could completely do given the time and focus. Time and focus...patience and passion.

And...yeah...we can do ANYTHING.

ANYTHING we want.

For reals.

How crazy is that?

Two months ago, I was working at Barnes and Noble--shelving Twilight books and trying to see the friends I could on the weekends in the meantime. Now I'm performing a role I didn't think I'd even get considered for--for another ten years...and I'm getting PAID to do it! WHAT THE EFF.

I love life.

Love love love,

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