Saturday, January 15, 2011

Five Hunnid Tunny Fie Thousin Six Unnid Minnits.

Next week I turn 26.

It'll be difficult to trump 25, but I think I have a decent game plan. In short it simply boils down to accepting my craziness for what it is. Everyone I really admire is almost completely out of their mind.

This sort of thing happens in small cycles almost weekly. I start to drift away from myself until I feel strange in my own body, then I snap back with a deep breath and a sudden blinking awareness.

"Wait...what am I doing here? Where'd the pirate costume come from? Why does my mouth taste like butterscotch?"

The writing certainly helps a lot, too. It's good to let the thoughts loose after they've been bouncing around in my head for so long. Decompress. Get it out thurr.

Rehearsal, by the by, is going swimmingly. Obviously there are still tweaks and stuff to...well...tweak...but the whole thing is looking great as a cohesive whole. (Girl you got a cohesive hole.) As mentioned before, it feels great to be back in Boise...and STILL learning new things about this strange, wonderful gem of a city. I've even been to two new bars! Which is saying something given my previous venture here.

Allow me this bit of vanity: The first record of Shakespeare's theatrical career dates to about 1592, when he was 28. That gives me about two solid years to suddenly become 'prolific'.

And THAT brings me back to the insanity I'd mentioned before. It takes a certain amount of crazy to dedicate yourself to a pursuit so strongly that you transcend 'levels of experience'. I mean...that's just how I feel RIGHT NOW. Who knows. Give it a year.

Later loves,

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