Yeah, that's rapper/actor/comedian Donald Glover, a.k.a. the reason I will never work in film and T.V. His lyrics predominantly center around the identity crisis of being a geeky black guy in the mainstream. There's a ton of insecurity between the lines. It's something I can definitely relate to. And hell, it's cool to hear that stuff vocalized. That said, his mere existence floods the market--so I'm afraid he must be destroyed and quietly replaced by yours truly.

Chances are that will entail getting a second job (as I just started training at Anthropologie.) That has nothing to do with my artistic growth, but it'll take a lot of the headache away. I've been getting teaching gigs and a handful of paying shows, but that's barely enough for survival. I've been living in Boise for two months now, and I don't have a bedspread....or a dresser...or anything up on the walls. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge fan of 'stuff'...but at the same time, I can't continue to live a Totally Boho (Season 2 coming to DVD!) lifestyle if I'm planning on setting down some roots. I'd LIKE to have people over one day without feeling embarrassed.
Currently it's, "Hey...uh..come on over! I have a...chair. Oh! And you can read one of the six books on the shelf if you'd like! How 'bout that? Ticklin' your fancy?"
"Don't ever refer to my 'fancy' again."
In other news, it's chilly. It's cold as hell. These

Also this:

To conclude, bullet points!
- Hunters (the graphic novel I'm collaborating with the gentleman above to write) is being outlined right now. Can't wait to start writing the scripts and drawing it out.
- I'm still kinda sick, so no more games of Cough-In-Your-Eye until I get better.
- My current theater wishlist includes: Woyzeck, Uncle Vanya, Waiting for Godot, One For The Road, The Dumb Waiter, and a devised movement/clown piece.
- I'm in a book club! I also purchase doilies and put costumes on my cat.
- One of the previous three statements is true.
- What do Skyrim, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Saints Row the 3rd, Uncharted 3, Kirby's Return to Dreamland, and Regina Spektor have in common?
- I want them all.
Be good, cats! I've got ups to push and outs to work.
Love and other thugs,
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