Friday, February 5, 2010

Art Imitating Life

I saw three black people at the gas station today. AT THE SAME TIME. Seriously--what are the odds?? Though I did get that "NIGSCOUNT, THE GAS DISCOUNT FO' NIGGAZ!" flyer this morning.

Anyway, week one of rehearsal comes to a close, and I've finally got a bit of a sense of direction here in Boise. This city is pretty great--it reminds me a lot of a flat San Francisco. Old buildings laid out on a grid, bars and coffee shops squeezed together like New York apartments--I'm laptopping in a coffee shop I've never heard of, burning some time until tonight's performance of At Home At The Zoo at the Boise Contemporary Theatre. Yes, we're going as a cast. Yes, we're that fucking adorable. I'm knitting matching onesies for everyone as I type this. It is a very careful process.

Speaking of process--the show is going extremely well. Everyone--for reals--EVERYONE is completely amazing. We've been chugging along mostly--and taking some time here and there to really DIG IN to the script. Those moments have been totally invaluable. I trust Iago. Holy balls, I would trust him with my

Anyway yeah. Things are great. My host family is awesome, and are all better musicians than me. EVEN THE ONE IN FIFTH GRADE PLAYS PIANO AND CELLO. I feel inadequate. But whatevs, can THEY beat Chrono Trigger with one character? Shut up, then.

Yyyyeah, well that's that for now. All's well. I've got the show on the brain.

Love love love,

1 comment:

  1. Oh SNAP, son. It is all so good.

    Love love love love you.

    Addendum: the "type this word so we know you're not a robot" prompt was "ishingra," which at first glance read "nigraish," which I thought was very fitting considering the first part of your post. That is all.

    - Token Honky Chick
