Monday, February 1, 2010

Moving at a FAIL'S pace

Alright, so I only finished four monologues. But hey, come on--I had Idaho Shakes coming up (I know you'd rather hear about that--I'll tell ya') and I had to with all my! Lots of that. I had to make some doo-doo towers.

That's gross. That's totally gross.

So I'm here! The flight was FABULOUS. And I mean that in the gayest way possible. The flight crew was comprised of a pilot, co-pilot, a SINGING HEAD FLIGHT ATTENDANT, and a pair of ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS DIVAS. The divas were dudes. I had a long conversation with one of em' about Mario 3. So yes, needless to say--we really hit it off. Go Southwest. Who knew?

It was snowing when I got it. See, evidently this is a state that has seasons. It's snowing now, the temperature is floating around the 40s, but in the summer it'll hit upwards of 105. Shnap. Right? I'm also living with a family of four, who are all super cute and totally candid. They made me taco salad. They are great.

I'm driving the Idaho Shakespeare Minivan right now--which I'll have to take a picture of. Or rather, I'll have to get a camera and take a picture of. Fwah. Oh, and I got lost on the way to the theatre. Double awesome! On the whole, I feel far more comfortable than I did in Nebraska--but nothing against all my Nebraska peeps. It's just easier the second time around.

(It took me about 20 minutes to write that last paragraph. Butts.)

Oh, and yeah--art imitating life? I haven't seen another negro yet. Not-a-one. In Nebraska there were like....four or five. Not in the same place, of course, but for the duration of the trip. I think I'll get a bet going with myself. My ballpark? Week three. Yeah. We'll see each other from across the street and everything will become slow motion and flower petals. We'll frolic toward each other, closed hands held forward in what will become the sweetest, most tender fist-pound ever recorded.

I already miss you fuckers, and its day two. I really hope I stay a while, because this is already a sweet gig...but I kinda' hope I don't...because I've got a sweet gig back at home.

Love love love,

P.S. I'M not torrenting Xenogears at a coffee shop, YOU are.

1 comment:

  1. Sooo proud of you, btw. Call me sometime, any time plz. I miss me some Dakt.
